Castle Software Ltd

November 2014

Current Situation

Castle Software has been in a bit of a hiatus over the last 12 months.

We have done the odd iTunes app update and released a MS Phone app of one of our older games. But we decided what we were doing was not working, time was passing away and we were no further along in our path to make more substantial computer games. So in January this year (2014) we created a new company with the ultimate aim of creating a different set of games, that were deeper, more exciting and ultimately games that we wanted to make.

This doesn’t mean Castle Software is no longer doing work, it’s just that the types of games we make are most likely going to be made through the new company. We are still undecided what to do with Castle Software, and for the moment we will continue to release updates for our older games to support our current users, as well as supporting users who have been buying Jason Darby’s game development books.

So here’s to an exciting 2015. :)
Castle Software Ltd
Castle Software Ltd
Making one game at a time!